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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What is Destiny?

It is often said that, "We people, are doing or achieving things as per our carved Fate or Destiny". But, now the big question is, who carves our destiny? Is it the Almighty or We, ourselves define what to do & what not to?

This has been an ongoing debate for almost like centuries & I’m no one to make a clear cut distinction between them. But I've been trying to convince people around me to believe in their KARMA instead of praying to someone who may or may not exist. There is short story which may pour some light on this topic.

Once, A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy. Although, he had only one-tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. He knew that he would win, but his soldiers were in doubt.

On the way he stopped at a Shinto shrine and told his men: “After I visit the shrine I will toss a coin. If heads comes, we will win; if tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand.”

Nobunaga entered the shrine and offered a silent prayer. He came forth and tossed a coin. Heads appeared. His soldiers were so eager to fight that they won their battle easily.

“No one can change the hand of destiny,” his attendant told him after the battle.

“Indeed not,” said Nobunaga, showing a coin which had been doubled, with heads facing either way.

Well, one can still say that, "it was his destiny to have a double-headed coin". But, it was the KARMA of Nobunaga & his soldiers that helped them win the battle.

Monday, July 2, 2012


We often view development as something that happens to us, not something we have complete control over. The way I see it, my development resides 100% with me & it's up to me how much time I dedicate to it.
Our development is always important but it should never be urgent, there has to be a proactive approach towards it.

It all starts with taking Pride in yourself, in your role in the organisation, your team, your group wherever you are & having a passion for what you do every day. Find what motivates you & drives you. Once you do that, then you can inspire those around you - your friends, family, colleagues or even your bosses to drive them to do their best too. The combination of taking ownership & having a positive focus makes People grow & when that happens, it creates even more opportunities to learn & develop.

Development is our responsibility. It will not happen automatically, if we do not dedicate time to it. Exceeding expectations is a great first step toward your development. But the second step of keeping your own expectations low is equally important. It is also important to mention that doing the task in hand well is not always enough. You must be sure that others are aware of what you are doing & what are you up to. All of this requires one thing: Time.

Remember though, you are not alone. To have a structure, robust, challenging development plan we need someone with proper understanding of this philosophy. There are people, who'll talk to you about this stuff, will make you go forward. Take advantage of this social sponsors. Advises are on offer for free, but not the idea. Start connecting with people around who inspire you & whom you inspire. The world is flat & green, take advantage of this to support your development.